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0x80070035 symptoms should not have access to a shared folder.

 The postings below is zero x 80070035 the symptoms.

Not late.(You didn't yet.)

10 in the long run Windows reinstall the rs5.

This (failure symptoms. #0x80070035) about

My computer and Application of the possible causes of the process down on paper.

So far, updates during the forced by the end.

Network of speculation as a relevant error.

(= > the update of progress in the text).

An error while I'm partial to find to googling

Not solve, but the one way or another.

In the end, Restore a Windows image backup.

Or Reinstall Windows 10Thinking about.

[ \\ ip where when it comes to connecting to the address.

An error message and the window. # networkHe was pronounced ].


You did, huh?Do not have access to \ ip address.

Make sure the correct name.

If the correct name.

There is a problem with the network may be.

To confirm and resolve, network problems.

Click on [diagnostic].

Detailed an error message.

Remote device or resources are not accepted.

Not set to accept through the (smb) file and printer sharing connections.

Diagnosis the publisher of the information network windows.

The problem found

Remote device or resources are not accepted..

Port (192.168 x, x) or resources.

Connectivity (the) ; a "File and printer sharing (#) smb".

Not set to accept.Discoverable

Please contact your network administrator.Completion

Found search information problem.

Remote units or resources are not to accept.Discoverable

Port (192.168 x, x) or resources.

Connectivity (the) ; a "Sharing files and printers #) (smb".

Not set to accept.

Please contact your network administrator.Completion

To connect a computer or device was available but.

Does not support the action sought.

Construction of the device problems or restrictions may be due.

Extend search information.

Log diagnostic information network.

File name : 375863 b bd - 41 8 - 0 - 78 a a 86 - 239 40 d b diagnose etl. 0... 458 bd

Other information networking, configuration and log.

File name : cab networkconfiguration.

Collection of information

The computer name : main.

Windows version : 10.0.

Architecture : 64 x

Time : Saturday afternoon on January 26, 2019 7:35:10.

Expand information publisher.

Windows Network Diagnostics.

Network connection problem.

Packaged version : 4.0.

Publisher : microsoft windows.

[Network Diagnostics, the publisher information,].

[computer version of Windows without being used].

Was not accurate. 4 (The first installation is out of three, rs rs)

Through Windows Update.

# 5 Windows 10 rsThe latest version of updated status.

[The main symptoms - access denied to his shared folder].

The day before yesterday After upgrading the main computer of the cpuBe as follows. My access to shared folders.It's not here.

(1) "his address ip" and have access to his shared folder.

(2) shared folder list as "The computer name" but as possible.

Individual state with limited access to shared folders.(Access Denied)

(3) other ip time. # nas" as a shared folderIpComputer name and not approach.

= > nas and power down = > Power on and connected with ip.

= >, "The computer name". Nas shared folder window.Access to look there.

(4) my computer (window 10) from (Windows 7, xp) another computer.

"The computer name and ip" access to shared folders.

(5) from my computer to another computer.

# ipAddress, and The computer name you #Not connecting to a shared folder.

Nowadays, most computers are Win rs, more than four.

You did, huh?\ but addresses ip.You did, huh?I don't access my computer with computer name.

Writing Windows 7 installed to (window 10 5 rs) my computer on your computer.I've tried, but a person

In Windows 7 You did, huh?You did, huh?My Computer name, \.You did, huh?My address ipIt is not to sink.

Overall : > My computer's software problems.It appears that happening is.

Was estimated that during work of the above symptoms below.

Not a general case and in my case.To think the cause.

[List of your work recently changed].

(1) CPU i5 6400 =>5 9400 I f the upgrade.

(2) the main board #B250M => #B360MUpgrade

(internal LAN card changes - Realtek LAN, the main board chipset driver installation.).

(3) the last upgrade cpu, at the end. Windows Update progress after completion of the end.

(4) logo : Force shutdown and symptoms to stop at the window first boot time. Upgrade cpu

= > as the most likely candidate. I have to force the remediation process.Do I have a problem as dubious.

(5) V3 LiteWow Check app(Ransom Ware from vaccine) installed.

The vaccine : > cpu well write with more than before the upgrade.

Window 10 from the fourth version of rs

You did, huh?You did, huh?The computer nameConnectivity to shared folders.The inactive. and.

You did, huh?You did, huh?The computer nameTo access shared folders by following the Change settings.

Among the window features. Activate the 1.0 features smbUs,

In service Find the name of the network features active then.

Find a computer in the name of is possible.

Turn on Windows functions and smb to activate more than 1.0.

Fuction discovery provider host, function discovery resource to Activate publication.

Smb 1.0 features.Department The above service items.And left a

His You did, huh?You did, huh?The computer name, attached to the shared folder.

His You did, huh?\ the address ipAnd is, access to shared folders.

Oryuchang (0 x 80070035) are getting increasingly oppressive situation.

(4 10 = win the majority of cases, we access the computer name and usually well as ip rs).

Listed on the Internet 0x80070035Among the items related to the error.

Have you ever played the application is applicable only as of the symptoms are not improved.

Probably should be to reinstall the window, the same.

2019 ssd m in the early. 2 (2. 960 m evo) is the (not recognized by the main board.).

Windows won't boot the symptoms.So, two other m ssd of cloning to the contents to an existing ssd.

Samsung who was previously used the installation and once again. 96, ssd m

Ip been accessible to normal and not going to try to reinstall the window, OK.

Before the window. Essential backupAnd then to a person will be going on.

(If backup requirements, are you planning to format).

- an important program, backup data.

E.g.) accounting programs and customer care programs and credentials.

Public certificate, Favorites, Kakao Talk, text, dialogue.

- Backup is necessary data is external backup hadeuro

- Programs running their own backups, too.

I hope working and get backup, which lowers during normal operation.

- ssd and hard disk storage device, there are extra.

Format and be some way to install a window to another ssd.

[Have you applied to catch the error process].

(1) Remove Windows Update items.

(2) Change service items and options.

E.g.) network as a service activation.

(3) network initialization.

(4) LAN card settings. Or related items. 6, ip

(5) initialization firewall.

(6) former main board (hidden) LAN card information deleted.

Fixed, share a firmware update (7) sharing and nas ip change.

LAN card driver changes, the main board (8) has been replaced.

- older, the latest (Realtek's website) (the basic drivers window).

(9) system recovery effort = Having restored to a few days ago in restoring > oryutteum.

(10) usb lan received as a card ip is normally accessible.

(11) msi pro - 360 b vd : > asrock m - 360 b pro four replacement.

(12) wireless LAN card ip, accessible on my computer.

(13) 5 9400 I f : > I 7 87 Change cpu

= > this change like that because there is a time to work because my computer but to try.

For your computerRamen, so don't have time to try so disturbing.

Even if these symptoms through the process of modifying the resolution.

Windows reinstall the cost of more than a cost.I don't have much to pay to you.

Repair step, or anything are generally fast and clear. The window #It is recommended.

0x80070035The error is error (such as surface.Errors that can't find network devices.),

"Caused" because this may differ.

Sharing the information you be different situation can I (cause) and (cause) situation is different.

Who is It has been applied, but solution is not applicable for me.

But information sharing ideas and I am always grateful to you.

If information gathered, and even writing (failure) did in vain.

I think it can think of any other way in the process.

At the very least, I'm the only one problem that affected not can be found.

I'm in this post. 0x80070035Although the reinstall the window and troubleshooting.

Inspiration, and the others were again and find a solution.

Posting again, you looking for solutions, we'd appreciate it.

Add [January 26, 2019].

(10) LAN card (Realtek series, but usb to trapping lan) usb.

But to try to connect test.

= > jekeom in \.\ ip to shared folders to the address.

Normal access.

Not a matter of, as I have to force Windows Update.

Using LAN card at Realtek. such as the board is 360 250 board and b b

Without Windows reinstall cpu and board as a problem that looks after the change.

LAN card information from the existing and new LAN card of the board of the conflict that assumed that this is not.Let's see.

Realtek in chipset in LAN card of the additional test is very difficult for internal LAN card changes.

LAN card to replace the main board, which contains the (Intel subsidiary) third party testing further studies should be like.

Mains replacement can be to check how long it takes, because next week.

Updated next week for you.

Add [January 28, 2019].

(11) msi pro - 360 b vd : > asrock m - 360 b pro four replacement.

(13) 5 9400 I f : > I 7 87 Change cpu

LAN card is equipped with Intel : > same symptoms and replaced with the main board.

(12) LAN card as wireless LAN card to connect to the sharer usb.

Accessible to shared folders as wireless LAN card ip.(Used temporarily).

Until the issue is resolved : > nas of the shared folder window.

Share files to your network needed to write to be going.

Add [02 October 2019].

There are many, scheduled for the Lunar New Year holidays. Share this folder and can troubleshoot.

Ip time nas, Windows folder sharing.Using a person Internal network sharing.The

I went. Ip time nas This is a bad access even in bad condition.

(Ip time nas, for a long time, two years.It seems I'm your fault.

Nas or to purchase of a product that is now with a little more brands...Or

Ip nas for the products covered. Sharing timeI guess I should also try once.)

Ip time ip nas, and computer access in the name, no, (failure to).

unwillingly I will (reinstall Windows) the main computer format.As

Of the methods appear on the Internet. And Change settings for all kinds of changes the registry.I did.

If you like me ever who worked there are posters below.


(Redstone 4 to 10 window is three times the solutions already applied after installation.It is.)

Solution No. 1 of the site on the way to allow the user login guestI give a person

Finally, my ip of my computer on your computer and computer access in the name.Worn.

= to so you are resolved, >..

The registry, touching and changed before the restore.To

Turn System Restore.System Restore : > results = Failure restoring >

= 1 applied again, on the same symptoms after a failed System Restore >.

= > icham 10 just generously to the format, Windows reinstall the five rs.

The window #Very well and, once a year after the idea, to reinstall Windows.

The [On December 31, 2019] window after using well without any problem for a year.

[ # the local computer repair shopWhy ] a Windows reinstall unconditionally.

The above errors and know-how may be increased, but in the process of resolving the problem.

Too often repeated because the symptoms not.It's hard to get on a similar matter.

If not, that is often the problem. After a week or two to solve other problems.,

Shallow that I saw the previous urgent and complex issues are frequently because you get in you forget it.

These individual errors for resolution to the heart of the problem of when.

You usually about one settlement (error) a straightforward issue?AsAnd

Window does not reinstall a lot of people will pay more than (30,000 won) costs.

Windows reinstall or component replacement didn't, more than thirty thousand won.

" What did you do this I had a high cost?"

What's more, is particularly a problem when fixed immediately so I see...

" Please stay like a cup of coffee (juice).- " often.

Repair. the best key to healing quickly, but jjipDespite a

Of how much money, if not to fix it immediately.

Travel expenses?The base inspection costs?Think about it is often the case.And

" It's a simple question.Thank you." and without paying just as if he were going with you.Not many.

The lid off the main computer to rotate and is about a dukwi

Delete a malicious program to clean dirt and I can do for you.

Often got you think the service.

This itself is why it was difficult to hold a bobbed hair, Windows errors but the first.

One error is about fixing the service free of charge if you think because few, too.

(trouble shooting) solve the problem of a particular window that. # computer repair shopIt's hard to find the silver.

Decoy a time a Windows error, but even good enough.

Repair item that can get a lot of repairs not, you see.

In most computer repair shop. Individual errors than resolution.Clear and fast. The window!Seems to carry out.

When an error, the quick solution is sure. The window #!I think.


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