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Replace the ASROCK motherboard graphics card latch


Aslock X670E STEEL LEGEND Motherboard Graphics Card Clasp Shape.




The first graphic card slot stopper (pictured right) was received damaged while the customer was removing it and the second graphic card slot is a normal stopper (clasp). I was asked to move the stopper of the second graphic card socket to the first, so I tried to replace the clasp. (This computer is CPU 7800X 3D defective, so we are currently wearing it in the center. I don't think it will proceed until after the Lunar New Year holiday.)



Normal stop (second graphic card slot), right) Corrupted - stop missing (first graphic card socket)







If the stopper has any spare parts, replacement is relatively simple and it's not easy to put the stopper up, as shown below. The stopper won't come out easily. It's better to get a replacement accessory from the manufacturer and replace it rather than the stopper up. It's easy to attach, but you can fit it well into the hole and insert it like Lego.



Graphics Card Slot Stopper Corruption







Below is a picture of a latching replacement. This is my first time removing a latching on my motherboard, so it took me 20 minutes to remove it. It took me less than a minute to remove the latching for 20 minutes. If the board was my board, I would have used it without stopping - without holding the graphics card in place - and forcefully removed the latching.





Since it's your main board, it took some time to remove it because I was carefully working on whether the latch would break while disassembling it or not. Personally, there is no problem with using the computer right away even if there is no stopper, so I think the A/S center will request (order) a replacement accessory (clasp) and replace it slowly. (Free or paid provision, some places may say they don't have an accessory.)



Moving the second stop to the first







We don't usually get this part repaired. Even if you have repaired it at risk, it is not easy to charge for repairs, and if the board is stamped while removing the clasp, or if the graphic card slot or clasp is damaged, the compensation cost is higher than the repair cost, so if you don't have to fix it, you won't get it. We recommend that you get accessories from the manufacturer's service center and put them in. (Because different motherboard manufacturers have slightly different clasp shapes, they may be less compatible with other manufacturers/models.)






If you stock the board at the after-sales service center, the service center will repair it and send it to you. "There are many cases where it is considered free of charge," but even during the free warranty period, there may be some places that receive repair costs "for the damaged part due to user negligence." I think a service center that provides free service is a good service (favor) and a service center that provides paid service due to consumer negligence (damage) should be considered as the default. Although the clasp was not damaged, some manufacturers refused to repair it for a fee because of user negligence (such as accessory damage or substrate scratch or corrosion).




I think the damage to the clasp is a partial repair that can be handled at the discretion of the staff in charge. If you bring it to a local computer repair shop, if you are not the company that purchased the computer, of course, you will be charged for the repair. Even if you bought the main body, parts that were damaged due to consumer negligence are usually treated for a fee. I would appreciate it if it was repaired free of charge, and I don't think you should be criticized for doing it for a fee. If you went to a local computer store for repair purposes without purchasing a computer, many owners would say that you can use it because there is no problem with using the computer, and there are many places that do not repair only the clasp as above due to the problem of "damage and compensation or warranty of the main board in the disassembly process".






The computer above has a two-pan air-cooler, and disassembling and reassembling high-end thick graphics cards is a task that takes approximately an hour. If it is not pre-arranged due to self-assembly, it is even more difficult to get a repair request. This is because we don't know what other problems will be encountered during self-assembly.

The only problem that comes to mind is the fact that the customer self-assembled the computers above. "Graphics card clasp damage, Front panel line PowerLED + pin plastic damage pin exposure, Intermittent CPU failure (initial failure => A/S agent), Cable not organized, CPU cooler needs to be disassembled and reassembled after disassembling, Expensive Thick Graphics Card (Be careful when disassembling and storing, check the state of scratch on the backplate), Mainboard Graphics Card Part board Scratch, etc. This is a work that takes several times more time to assemble than new board boards, so depending on the circumstances, there may be companies that do not accept self-assembly failures.





When the computer was in stock, other customers were with us, so it wasn't a problem that would be solved immediately when we registered, but we decided to check and contact you when we found the cause. If you had asked me to check from beginning to end until you found the cause on your own computer, I think I would have said that it would be difficult to work on your own like that.





It took me a long day to find the cause of the intermittent malfunction of the above computer. I replaced and installed the CPU more than ten times while replacing the compatible motherboard. In this case, it's difficult to check and take it right away. It's because I'm stuck with one thing and haven't received any other work or guests. When it comes to refitting the CPU, no matter how skilled you are, you should always work with it carefully/carefully. (Like the moment a rifle fires up, hold your breath and mount it.)





This kind of random repair (= defective) is chaotic even if only one unit comes in a week, and it's hard to find the cause of the failure, but it's distracting because the computer has to be spread out in one store. It keeps bothering me because I have to store it in a disassembled state until the service center checks/replaces a defective CPU. Also, is the CPU that has been replaced normal? Need to test again!








(Tip) Graphic card stopper-How to remove the clasp - You can remove the clasp by opening the fixed shaft.


How to remove the clasp on the graphics card






The motherboard below is from ASROCK B250M Pro4. It's an old graphics card clasp. The clasp on the first graphics card is broken, and slot 2 is still alive. I removed the stopper on the second graphics card slot and put it back into the first slot.





I'm looking at the structure of the broken graphic card clasp. The clasp also has a jaw in the socket.


This mainboard is my mainboard, so I pulled it off the rail by tilting it, but when it's stuck like this, the plastic is weak and can break.


I don't think it'll be easy to remove it without a trick. It's not difficult to wear it the other way around. You can push it in.



I didn't know how to disassemble it, so I tilted it and removed it from the rail, but I think it's okay to separate it back by applying proper force to this part, considering that there is a jaw caught in the middle of the rail.





In the first slot, you can slide it in from behind the rail during the previous installation.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

성우모바일 - 체리 11.6 (CHERRY 11.6) - SM-W910CN

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