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Sound port and ps2 port broken and embedded

Sound port and ps2 port broken and embedded This is the customer who came to the PS2 port with the fixing pin (plastic?) of the keyboard PS2 damaged. (In fact, it was not easy to take it out because I had to use the computer in a hurry before, but even if it was taken out, I bought a basic inspection fee (10,000 won) or a USB keyboard for 10,000 to 20,000 won, but there was no difference in price, so I just bought a USB keyboard.)     After some time, there was a problem with the window, so I left it there and took measures because I had time to find it the next day. I was thinking about how to take it out, but it didn't come out even if I tried to take it out in any way   ​   ​   ​     The plastic is stuck in the PS2 port as shown below.     I took it out.     So         Originally, I tried to pull out the awl by sticking it in plastic, but that was not possible, and after hitting it with the awl, there was a gap b

LG Gram 2018 Product 15Z980-GR3BK Laptop disassembly

  LG Gram 2018 Product 15Z980-GR3BK Laptop disassembly [원본글]  https://dongtancom.com/entry/%EB%8F%99%ED%83%84-LG-%EB%85%B8%ED%8A%B8%EB%B6%81-%EC%88%98%EB%A6%AC-15Z980-GR3BK

인텔 정품 쿨러 (기쿨) 메인보드와 결합된 상태 확인하는 방법

인텔 기본 쿨러 고정핀이 끝까지 물리지 않으면, CPU와 결합이 잘 안 될 수 있습니다.  메인보드 뒤편을 확인할 수 있다면, 케이스 뚜껑을 열고 뒤편의 체결 상태를 확인하면 좋습니다. 아래와 같이 고정핀(검은색)이 덜 박혔습니다. 아래의 사진 저 정도만 박혀도 괜찮을 거 같네요. 방향을 돌려가면서 고정핀(검은색핀)이 제대로 고정됐는지 확인합니다. 정면에서 보면 구별이 잘 안 되기 때문에 고개를 돌려서 측면에서 봐야 합니다. [ 관련글 ]  https://dongtancom.blogspot.com/2016/08/cpu.html  

g6-2210AU 분해. I opened up my laptop.

 g6-2210AU HP 노트북입니다. I opened up my laptop. 전화 문의로 노트북 모델명을 불러주시는데, RT3290이라고 말씀을 해주시더라고요.  HP 노트북은 그렇게 모델명을 정하지 않는데, 무선랜카드 모델명을 잘못 보고 말씀해주신 거 같습니다.  They called out the laptop model name on the phone, and they said RT3290. HP laptops don't have a model name like that, but I think you said the wrong model name for the wireless LAN card. 노트북의 메모리 업그레이드하고 직접 가져오신 SSD 교체 작업을 진행했습니다. We upgraded the memory of the laptop and replaced the SSD you brought yourself. 메모리 업그레이드 중 삼성 DDR3 4GB 1.5V 제품으로 교체 Replace with Samsung DDR3 4GB 1.5V product during memory upgrade 윈도우10 설치 중 (윈도우8 정품이 메인보드에 귀속된 제품이라서 윈도우10 설치하고 인터넷 연결하면 자동 인증됩니다. 윈도우10 홈에디션으로 설치합니다. Installing Windows 10 (Windows 8 is a genuine product that belongs to the motherboard, so if you install Windows 10 and connect to the Internet, it will be automatically authenticated. Install as Windows 10 Home Edition. CPU 발열이 상당히 높은 제품이네요. 그래서, 노트북을 분해해서, 내부 청소도 진행했습니다.  It's a product with a very high CPU fever. So, I took the laptop